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├──1 Hitting the Brakes on Texting While Walking  

|   ├──1-L1  Hitting the Brakes on Texting While Walking (学生版文章).pdf  135.73kb

|   ├──2-L1 Hitting the Brakes on Texting While Walking (教师版文章).pdf  2.62M

|   ├──3-L1 Hitting the Brakes on Texting While Walking (笔记整理).pdf  263.84kb

|   ├──4-L1 Hitting the Brakes on Texting While Walking (课后练习).pdf  162.36kb

|   ├──5-L1 Hitting the Brakes on Texting While Walking (参考答案).pdf  97.13kb

|   ├──6-L1 Why Texting While Driving is So Bad (拓展阅读).pdf  166.87kb

|   └──Video_2020-02-19_154024.wmv  228.27M

├──2 How Cities Are Taming Cars  

|   ├──1 L2 How Cities Are Taming Cars (学生版文章).pdf  992.19kb

|   ├──2 L2 How Cities Are Taming Cars (教师版文章).pdf  3.73M

|   ├──3 L2 How Cities Are Taming Cars (笔记整理).pdf  266.93kb

|   ├──4 L2 How Cities Are Taming Cars (课后练习).pdf  143.51kb

|   ├──5 L2 How Cities Are Taming Cars (参考答案).pdf  56.41kb

|   ├──6 L2 Congestion Pricing Scheme (拓展阅读).pdf  3.25M

|   └──Video_2020-02-19_134449.wmv  186.69M

├──3 Vegan Too Strict for You  

|   ├──2 L3 Vegan too strict for you (教师版文章).pdf  1.61M

|   ├──3 L3 Vegan Too Strict for You (笔记整理).pdf  232.11kb

|   ├──4 L3 Vegan Too Strict for You (课后练习).pdf  157.98kb

|   ├──5 L3 Vegan Too Strict for You (参考答案).pdf  110.19kb

|   ├──6 L3 Gut feelings How food affects your mood (拓展阅读).pdf  162.85kb

|   └──Video_2020-02-21_151630.wmv  149.35M

├──4 Australia's Bushfires Have Likely Devastated Wildlifeand the Impact Will Only Get Worse  

|   ├──1 L4 Australia’s Bushfires Have Likely Devastated Wildlife (学生版文章).pdf  136.79kb

|   ├──2 L4 Australia’s Bushfires Have Likely Devastated Wildlife (教师版文章).pdf  3.20M

|   ├──3 L4 Australia’s Bushfires Have Likely Devastated Wildlife  (笔记整理).pdf  275.23kb

|   ├──4 L4 Australia’s Bushfires Have Likely Devastated Wildlife (课后练习).pdf  179.35kb

|   ├──5 L4 Australia’s Bushfires Have Likely Devastated Wildlife (参考答案).pdf  117.61kb

|   ├──6 L4 Here’s how forests rebounded from Yellowstone’s epic 1988 fires (拓展阅读).pdf  585.15kb

|   └──Video_2020-02-22_140457.wmv  319.76M

├──5 Does Social Media Cause Depression  

|   ├──1 L5 Does Social Media Cause Depression (学生版文章).pdf  135.96kb

|   ├──2 L5 Does Social Media Cause Depression (教师版文章).pdf  2.33M

|   ├──3 L5 Does Social Media Cause Depression (笔记整理).pdf  180.35kb

|   ├──4 L5 Does Social Media Cause Depression (课后练习).pdf  154.62kb

|   ├──5 L5 Does Social Media Cause Depression (参考答案).pdf  90.29kb

|   ├──6 L5 Association of Screen Time and Depression in Adolescence (拓展材料)(1).pdf  175.66kb

|   ├──7 关于Does Social Media Cause Depression一文的修订 (修订补充).pdf  67.69kb

|   ├──8 Does Social Media Cause Depression (未删减版原文).pdf  74.79kb

|   ├──does social media cause depression.mp3  9.39M

|   └──Video_2020-02-25_142046.wmv  234.91M

├──6 Male Scientists Outshout Women  

|   ├──1 L6 Male Scientists Outshout Women (学生版文章).pdf  109.56kb

|   ├──2 L6 Male Scientists Outshout Women (教师版文章).pdf  2.01M

|   ├──3 L6 Male Scientists Outshout Women (笔记整理).pdf  232.87kb

|   ├──4 L6 Male Scientists Outshout Women (课后练习).pdf  158.96kb

|   ├──5 L6 Male Scientists Outshout Women (参考答案).pdf  54.57kb

|   ├──6 L6 How Discrimination Against Female Doctors Hurts Patients (拓展阅读).pdf  179.02kb

|   └──Video_2020-02-26_140523.wmv  243.40M

├──7 They Are Mammals  

|   ├──1 L7 They Are Mammals, They Fly and They Host Pathogens (学生版文章).pdf  285.47kb

|   ├──2 L7 They Are Mammals, They Fly and They Host Pathogens (教师版文章).pdf  881.85kb

|   ├──3 L7 They Are Mammals, They Fly and They Host Pathogens (笔记整理).pdf  232.29kb

|   ├──4 L7 They Are Mammals, They Fly and They Host Pathogens (课后练习).pdf  177.51kb

|   ├──5 L7 They Are Mammals, They Fly and They Host Pathogens (参考答案).pdf  112.55kb

|   ├──6 L7 What Is a Pandemic(拓展阅读).pdf  175.98kb

|   └──Video_2020-02-28_120926.wmv  335.39M

├──8 Is Red Meat Killing Us or Making Us Stronger  

|   ├──1 L8 Is Red Meat Killing Us or Making Us Stronger (学生版文章).pdf  150.97kb

|   ├──2 L8 Is Red Meat Killing Us or Making Us Stronger (教师版文章).pdf  456.77kb

|   ├──3 L8 Is Red Meat Killing Us or Making Us Stronger (笔记整理).pdf  163.21kb

|   ├──4 L8 Is Red Meat Killing Us or Making Us Stronger (课后练习).pdf  147.10kb

|   ├──5 L8 Is Red Meat Killing Us or Making Us Stronger (参考答案).pdf  93.67kb

|   ├──6 L8 How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat (拓展阅读)(1).pdf  117.54kb

|   └──Video_2020-02-29_123301.wmv  263.27M

└──高中英语外刊阅读精讲直播课(文章-学生完整版).pdf  1.65M


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