厦门大学 学术英语写作基础
├──Week1 Summary Writing
| ├──Exercises for Lecture One.pdf 127.21kb
| ├──Introduction.mp4 95.72M
| ├──Lesson1-Writing Skill Summary Writing.mp4 173.82M
| ├──Lesson2-Article Analysis A Job or an Education.mp4 168.86M
| ├──PPT for 1.1 summary writing.pdf 719.75kb
| ├──PPT for introduction to writing for general academic purposes.pdf 1.02M
| ├──Reading Article for Lecture One.pdf 277.28kb
| ├──第一单元 a job or an educaiton 导读.pdf 177.89kb
| └──第一单元完整版.pdf 382.36kb
├──Week10 Plagiarism and Documentation
| ├──Article for Lecture 10.pdf 344.98kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 10.pdf 139.15kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Plagiarism.mp4 174.95M
| ├──Lesson 2-Writing Skill Documentation.mp4 233.85M
| ├──Lesson 3-Article Analysis Tiger Moms and Helicopter Parents.mp4 126.13M
| ├──PPT for 10.1 Plagiarism.pdf 705.62kb
| ├──PPT for 10.2 Documentation.pdf 624.39kb
| ├──第十单元 The economics of parenting 导读.pdf 257.56kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 10.pdf 511.28kb
├──Week2 Paragraph Construction
| ├──Article for Lecture 2.pdf 360.47kb
| ├──Exercises for Lecture 2.pdf 170.31kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Paragraph Construction.mp4 132.46M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Is College Worth It.mp4 104.86M
| ├──PPT for 2.1 Paragraph Construction.pdf 2.31M
| ├──第二单元 Is college worth it 导读.pdf 155.96kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 2.pdf 470.72kb
├──Week3 Support
| ├──Article for Lecture 3.pdf 85.69kb
| ├──Exercises for Lecture 3.pdf 132.44kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Support.mp4 112.45M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Women Earning More.mp4 120.00M
| ├──PPT for 3.1 Support.pdf 1.14M
| ├──第三单元 women earning more 导读.pdf 266.24kb
| └──第三单元完整版.pdf 393.12kb
├──Week4 Topic Sentence and Thesis Statement
| ├──Article for Lecture 4.pdf 267.51kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 4.pdf 145.04kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Topic Sentence and Thesis Statement.mp4 172.58M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Women in Leadership & Why Men Fail.mp4 136.52M
| ├──PPT for 4.1 Topic sentence and thesis statement.pdf 1.75M
| ├──第四单元 Women in leadership & why men fail导读.pdf 194.49kb
| └──完整版.pdf 361.41kb
├──Week5 Conciseness and Emphasis
| ├──Article for Lecture 5.pdf 221.30kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 5.pdf 144.51kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Conciseness and Emphasis.mp4 98.80M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis One Small Step back to Where We Started.mp4 29.32M
| ├──ppt for 5.1 Conciseness and Emphasis.pdf 443.72kb
| ├──第五单元 A Small Step back to Where We Started 导读.pdf 397.63kb
| └──完整版.pdf 364.73kb
├──Week6 Unity
| ├──Article for Lecture 6.pdf 296.46kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 6.pdf 121.42kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Unity.mp4 178.54M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Grand Isle.mp4 117.86M
| ├──PPT for 6.1 Unity.pdf 226.59kb
| ├──第六单元 grand isle 导读.pdf 186.75kb
| └──完整版.pdf 389.81kb
├──Week7 Coherence
| ├──Article for Lecture 7.pdf 218.35kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 7.pdf 125.58kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Coherence.mp4 160.57M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Creative Destruction.mp4 34.65M
| ├──PPT for 7.1 Coherence.pdf 355.02kb
| ├──第七单元 creative destruction 导读.pdf 167.62kb
| └──完整版.pdf 300.33kb
├──Week8 Five-paragraph Essay Layout
| ├──Article for Lecture 8.pdf 123.56kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 8.pdf 220.25kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Five-paragraph Essay Layout.mp4 163.27M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Equipping People to Stay ahead of Technological Change.mp4 121.81M
| ├──PPT for 8.1 WS Five-Paragraph Essay Layout.pdf 474.59kb
| ├──第八单元 Equipping People to Stay ahead of Technological Change 导读.pdf 182.75kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 8.pdf 332.69kb
└──Week9 CET 4-6 Essays and IELTS & TOEFL Essays
| ├──Article for Lecture 9.pdf 270.91kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 9.pdf 123.07kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill CET 4-6 Essays.mp4 125.45M
| ├──Lesson 2-Writing Skill IELTS & TOEFL Essays.mp4 171.56M
| ├──Lesson 3-Article Analysis Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.mp4 115.03M
| ├──PPT for 9.1 WS - CET 4&6 eSSAY Layout.pdf 390.65kb
| ├──PPT for 9.2 WS- IELTS&TOEFL Essay Layout.pdf 357.64kb
| ├──第九单元 why chinese mons are superior导读.pdf 193.36kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 9.pdf 426.54kb
├──Week1 Summary Writing
| ├──Exercises for Lecture One.pdf 127.21kb
| ├──Introduction.mp4 95.72M
| ├──Lesson1-Writing Skill Summary Writing.mp4 173.82M
| ├──Lesson2-Article Analysis A Job or an Education.mp4 168.86M
| ├──PPT for 1.1 summary writing.pdf 719.75kb
| ├──PPT for introduction to writing for general academic purposes.pdf 1.02M
| ├──Reading Article for Lecture One.pdf 277.28kb
| ├──第一单元 a job or an educaiton 导读.pdf 177.89kb
| └──第一单元完整版.pdf 382.36kb
├──Week10 Plagiarism and Documentation
| ├──Article for Lecture 10.pdf 344.98kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 10.pdf 139.15kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Plagiarism.mp4 174.95M
| ├──Lesson 2-Writing Skill Documentation.mp4 233.85M
| ├──Lesson 3-Article Analysis Tiger Moms and Helicopter Parents.mp4 126.13M
| ├──PPT for 10.1 Plagiarism.pdf 705.62kb
| ├──PPT for 10.2 Documentation.pdf 624.39kb
| ├──第十单元 The economics of parenting 导读.pdf 257.56kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 10.pdf 511.28kb
├──Week2 Paragraph Construction
| ├──Article for Lecture 2.pdf 360.47kb
| ├──Exercises for Lecture 2.pdf 170.31kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Paragraph Construction.mp4 132.46M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Is College Worth It.mp4 104.86M
| ├──PPT for 2.1 Paragraph Construction.pdf 2.31M
| ├──第二单元 Is college worth it 导读.pdf 155.96kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 2.pdf 470.72kb
├──Week3 Support
| ├──Article for Lecture 3.pdf 85.69kb
| ├──Exercises for Lecture 3.pdf 132.44kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Support.mp4 112.45M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Women Earning More.mp4 120.00M
| ├──PPT for 3.1 Support.pdf 1.14M
| ├──第三单元 women earning more 导读.pdf 266.24kb
| └──第三单元完整版.pdf 393.12kb
├──Week4 Topic Sentence and Thesis Statement
| ├──Article for Lecture 4.pdf 267.51kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 4.pdf 145.04kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Topic Sentence and Thesis Statement.mp4 172.58M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Women in Leadership & Why Men Fail.mp4 136.52M
| ├──PPT for 4.1 Topic sentence and thesis statement.pdf 1.75M
| ├──第四单元 Women in leadership & why men fail导读.pdf 194.49kb
| └──完整版.pdf 361.41kb
├──Week5 Conciseness and Emphasis
| ├──Article for Lecture 5.pdf 221.30kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 5.pdf 144.51kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Conciseness and Emphasis.mp4 98.80M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis One Small Step back to Where We Started.mp4 29.32M
| ├──ppt for 5.1 Conciseness and Emphasis.pdf 443.72kb
| ├──第五单元 A Small Step back to Where We Started 导读.pdf 397.63kb
| └──完整版.pdf 364.73kb
├──Week6 Unity
| ├──Article for Lecture 6.pdf 296.46kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 6.pdf 121.42kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Unity.mp4 178.54M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Grand Isle.mp4 117.86M
| ├──PPT for 6.1 Unity.pdf 226.59kb
| ├──第六单元 grand isle 导读.pdf 186.75kb
| └──完整版.pdf 389.81kb
├──Week7 Coherence
| ├──Article for Lecture 7.pdf 218.35kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 7.pdf 125.58kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Coherence.mp4 160.57M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Creative Destruction.mp4 34.65M
| ├──PPT for 7.1 Coherence.pdf 355.02kb
| ├──第七单元 creative destruction 导读.pdf 167.62kb
| └──完整版.pdf 300.33kb
├──Week8 Five-paragraph Essay Layout
| ├──Article for Lecture 8.pdf 123.56kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 8.pdf 220.25kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill Five-paragraph Essay Layout.mp4 163.27M
| ├──Lesson 2-Article Analysis Equipping People to Stay ahead of Technological Change.mp4 121.81M
| ├──PPT for 8.1 WS Five-Paragraph Essay Layout.pdf 474.59kb
| ├──第八单元 Equipping People to Stay ahead of Technological Change 导读.pdf 182.75kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 8.pdf 332.69kb
└──Week9 CET 4-6 Essays and IELTS & TOEFL Essays
| ├──Article for Lecture 9.pdf 270.91kb
| ├──Exercises for Article of Lecture 9.pdf 123.07kb
| ├──Lesson 1-Writing Skill CET 4-6 Essays.mp4 125.45M
| ├──Lesson 2-Writing Skill IELTS & TOEFL Essays.mp4 171.56M
| ├──Lesson 3-Article Analysis Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.mp4 115.03M
| ├──PPT for 9.1 WS - CET 4&6 eSSAY Layout.pdf 390.65kb
| ├──PPT for 9.2 WS- IELTS&TOEFL Essay Layout.pdf 357.64kb
| ├──第九单元 why chinese mons are superior导读.pdf 193.36kb
| └──完整版 for Lecture 9.pdf 426.54kb
说明:文件格式:mp4 /flv 百度网盘可直接看